It’s never been easier to be a hit
It’s never been easier to be a hit

It’s never been easier to be a hit


  • Thanks to the internet, the barriers to entry have never been lower in the creative arena.
  • Tap into your internal self and learn more about yourself, specifically what your natural aptitudes are.
  • There are things that no one else but you can create and bring into this world for the rest of us to savor the flavors of, ones that are unheard of before.
  • There’s probably no better way to prove how it’s never been easier to be a hit than to chase what your natural aptitudes are, specifically what you’re essentially being called to fulfill.

The continuous unprecedented impact of the world’s digitization

As Vinh Giang says, the barriers to entry have never been lower in the creative arena.

Think of the TV medium for example. Before the advent of the internet, the barriers to entry were sky-high. To break into the industry, you needed to audition; before that, you needed to know the right people to land one.

It is still the case today, but given how many forms of social media currently exist, you may be a 30-second TikTok away from shooting up to stardom, landing prominent roles on the big screen, and making the big bucks.

Age is indeed a number in this situation, for you could go viral as some adorable child prodigy at 10 and become a Hollywood sensation in no time.

But this domino effect doesn’t just apply to the entertainment industry (it applies to all of the industries really).

Another example is writing.

It’s never been easier to write in public, be it Twitter, YouTube, or blogging on Substack or Medium.

You can write a piece of content and publically publish it for the entire world to see in not just various platforms, but in just as many forms, and if you happen to be good at that and you’re serving a particular niche, you begin to occupy space as you become more reputable.

Just like that, opportunities come running toward you, it’s no longer the other way around.

If you want to sell digital products and services, you can seamlessly set up camp at Shopify, Etsy, Fiverr, and Freelancer. To get the ball rolling quicker, you could spend a few bucks on advertising if you don’t want to rely solely on word-of-mouth.

If you’re clearly good at what it is you’re selling, customers will line up behind their computer screens to order from you as your reputation gradually develops.

Physical products? Sign up for an Amazon for Business or become a seller on Amazon and you’re good to go.

But what should you be taking away from all of these aforementioned examples?

Whatever industry you can think of, it’s a guarantee that the internet has made it infinitely easier to break into it.

So what do you have to do?

It’s simple.

All you have to do is tap into your internal self and dive deep into learning what are your natural aptitudes exactly.

A nugget I took away today from finishing up an episode of the Vinh & Ali Show is how there are things that no one else but you can create and bring into this world for the rest of us to savor the flavors of, ones that were unheard of before.

I’m personally still trying to firmly grasp what is a very bold statement for me, for it’s as though you’d essentially be carrying the weight of the entire world on your shoulders with the sort of expectations that come with it.

Yet at the same time, I see it as the best way of proving how it’s never been easier to be a hit.